jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Varios niveles en la visión

El vídeo de hoy, en nuestra labor de rescatar canciones o artistas clásicos, y que de paso amenizan la lectura del blog, es de Bob Seger. De paso, ya que acaba de empezar la sempiterna "Operación Triunfo" de cada año, este vídeo puede ayudarnos a educar o reeducar nuestros gustos musicales :)

An excerpt from "Empowerment through coaching"
Some basic points about vision:

· The leader determines the credibility of a vision.
· The acceptance of a vision is often determined by the fact of presenting it in the opportune time.
· The value of a vision is determined by the energy and guidance that it bears.
· The evaluation of a vision determines the level of commitment of the individuals.
· The leaders who communicate goals to their followers in an efficient way, manage more than those who don´t do it.
· The successful leaders "see" simultaneously in three levels:

Level 1. Perception: To see what’s currently happening with the eyes of the reality.

Level 2. Probability: To see what will be with the eyes of discernment.

Level 3. Possibility: To see what can be with the eyes of the vision.

A futurist sees only the level 3. A prophet sees only the level 2. A follower sees only the level 1. A leader lives in level 3, directs in level 2 and listens in level 1.

It turns out essential to understand what hinders the vision in level 1. We see things, not the way they are, but the way we are. Because of it, when a vision is blurred, in general, it’s not a problem related to the individuals. It exists several kinds of individuals who endanger the company vision and impede the labor of the manager or the coach.

In level 3, we need to wonder how to help the individuals grow up to the dimension of the vision. This implies that the only thing the leader must constantly do … is stimulate the growth of the individuals to the size of the vision as soon as they visualize it.

Also, the leader must look for achievers to integrate the team. Some qualities of the achievers are:

· The achievers are less sensitive to disapproval and rejection.
· The achievers think about the essential thing.
· The achievers center on the task at hand.
· The achievers are not superstitious; they say “that’s life”.
· The achievers see “the great picture”.
· The achievers gleefully welcome the challenges.
· The achievers don´t waste their time in unproductive thoughts.

And finally, bear in mind what’s suitable to do and say:

· What’s expected from everybody.
· That each one will have an opportunity to get out of trouble by himself
· How everybody is achieving it.
· That each one will be rewarded according to his contribution.

And it’s important to avoid the following traps:

· Not requesting advice and not helping the team members.
· Frustrating the personal talent by putting emphasis on the rules more than on the skills.
· Not supporting a constructive critique.
· Not developing a sense of responsibility in the team members.
· Treating everybody the same way.
· Not keeping the individuals informed.

Remember: The first goal of the leader is to prepare individuals, not to discard them. And, ultimately, many ways and styles exist to achieve it. It is not an exact science.

Frase del día

24. Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
John F. Kennedy

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