Después de muchos meses de trabajo, con mi amigo, colega y co-autor -primus inter pares- Manuel ya tenemos el libro 14 a punto y en breve estará, según la consagrada expresión, en las mejores librerias del mundo :)
De hecho, aquí pueden consultar la lista de librerias:
Y para celebrar este magno acontecimiento de presentación al público, lo hacemos en plan pasarela de moda, con su correspondiente vídeo
Adjuntamos un extracto de la versión inglesa sobre la cual ya estamos trabajando. Esta metáfora se ajusta bastante bien a las situaciones de cambio y de crisis (tal como la que vivimos actualmente :((.
Frog is an amphibian that adapts its body temperature to its surrounding environment´s. If we grab a frog and drop her into a pot filled with cold tap water –you can use mineral water, that doesn´t disrupt the process- and then we put the above-mentioned container onto the kitchen stove (with the frog still inside) and we start heating up the water, we will be the witnesses to a very curious and, at the same time, utterly didactic phenomenon.
The water starts heating up slowly but steadily. The frog, nevertheless, adjusts her body temperature to the environment, not encountering, at first, any major problems to do it. The water though, inexorably, continues warming up. And the frog, again, can cope with it, and is capable of adapting her body temperature, now with some more effort and using more energy than before, truth to be said. The water continues warming up … and do you surmise how this whole fascinating pedagogic process ends up? Yes, you have won: eventually we´ve got some nice frog stew.
It is most true that our frog can adapt her body temperature to her environment, but, logically, only to some extent. From there on, her life is literally in peril. So why doesn´t she jump out of the pot in which she is immersed? Simply because she has the conviction -evidently erroneous- that this time, as usual, she will still be able to self-adapt. Why, she has done it in many other occasions in the past and, in all of them, most successfully.
Unfortunately, this syndrome, which we might call the “cooked frog syndrome”, affects many organizations, companies, teams and persons. In the daily reality in which we are immersed, there has been many people who were fully convinced that they could adapt to the always changing surrounding environment, when, suddenly, they have realized that change was much more drastic than they had imagined at first. Sadly enough, in most occasions, the outcome is predictable and inevitable: they end up turning themselves into some “ cooked frogs ”.
Frase del día
1097. Smile, tomorrow will be worse.
The Murphy Philosophy
cual sera la casa editora, ¿libros en red?
ResponderEliminarJose, corrige la D del título. Queda un poco suelta.
ResponderEliminarMuy chula la portada!!!
Muy buena la historia de la rana. Y magnífico el vídeo. Felicidades. MF